30 January 2010

too many...

aaahhh, so many thing to think..
sbjek yg ntahpapentah
n me myself keep thinking some stupid thing..

1st, psl sem ni pnye sbjek..
sbjek seakan-akan computer programming tp lg ssah,
command agak ssah ntuk diagak gnenye ntuk pe..
n soalan dia agk ssah nk jwb, soalan perangkap..
nmpk cm btol but last2 slh programming..

..::quantum electronics::..
mixture of electromagnetism, photonic and math,
agak ssah i guess..
lab dia mmg ak x phm, men tibai je..

..:::microelectronic fabrication::..
lecturer dia ok, tme tutorial agk phm pe yg dibincangkan..
tp lab dia x tau nk kta, x ssah n x senang..
lab kt cleanroom, designing silicon wafer..

..::communication system::..
bleh thn la, ade phm ade x.. lab ttap x bpe nk phm..
blajar psl how information been trasmitted n propertiesnye..

..::optical design::..
diajar oleh my rps, agak menarik tp x bpe phm ag..
tp best coz klas mr charan interesting, xde strict2..
i like, hehe..

tu subjek teras sem ni, plus sbjek wajib bi u and ko-k..
rse sgt pack.. whew..

ade ag, ++ byk bnde yg ak x perlu pk tp ak pk gk..
sje beratkn otak ni..

abis cte, act sje je nk update blog ni..
that's it 4 now..

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